Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, as the entire world knows, we went to Funopolis yesterday. I don't have any really exciting stories to tell. Well, actually, I do. ;) But I'll leave that for later... I went on the go-karts and it was AWFUL. I get that you don't need to know how to drive to drive a go-kart, but USE SOME COMMON SENSE, CHILDREN. And don't ram into people. :( I was going around a turn, and I was going at maximum speed when Justin Bieber rear ended me. HARD. COME ON J. BIEBZ, WHAT GIVES? And then he started fishtailing. On dry pavement... This is what I get for taking driver's ed and then doing go-karts. D:

OH HAI. Guys, what are your GPAs/top college choices? Need some info for my article. :)


  1. i have a 3.9 as of Jan 2010 and my tops are elon university, unc chapel hill and furman

  2. HAHAHA justin bieber. that cute little girl.

    aaaaaaand i wanna go either here, or amherst, or northwestern. and i don't know my GPA LOL

  3. uhh , i think i had a 3.6 or a 3.7 for this year. I don't know what my GPA over all is.
    My top choices are NYU, Barnard, Columbia, and Boston University.
    kind of impossibleeeee

  4. UNBELIBABLE!!!! goodness gracious biebs! hahahaha thats priceless

    idk my GPA because my school doesn't do it like that. but my top choices are NYU, Amherst, UNC chapel hill, and Stanford University. Funny fact, both my parents went to stanford in terms of your article, feel free to compare me to brad hahaha

  5. my GPA is a 3.4 and i want to go either here or Florida um the whole bieber thing is kinda my fault I took out s back tire because he tried to ram me so he spun out, I would also like to take this to apologize if I crashed into any of you guys which I probably did im not a bad driver im just crazy competitive at fifteen mile an hour

  6. I have a GPA of 4.06 and am looking at The College of Charleston. However, I may apply to some Ivy Leagues, but will make that decision a little farther down the road (I'm only a rising junior.)
