Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dress Codes vs. Uniforms

Which one do you guys prefer? Do you think dress codes are helpful or would you rather just stick to a uniform throughout high school?

If you could list your name, high school, and whether its public or private that would be great. Thanks!


  1. I believe dress codes are helpful (instead of a uniform), but only when that dress code is enforced fairly among everyone. Certain groups of people at our school (such as the cheerleaders) seem to be exempt from the rules of dress that the rest of us must follow or risk expulsion.

    Alexis Brankel Pike County High School (public)

  2. Nicole Smith/Walton High School/public

    We don't have uniforms at Walton. We have a dress code, but people break it constantly. I would definitely prefer if we just had uniforms. It would take less thought in the morning and then students wouldn't have to worry about impressing others and showing off. Plus, you can always accessorize your uniform with your unique style in jewelry. :)

  3. Atlanta Girls' School/ Private

    I don't like uniforms for the fact that I can't choose what I want to wear and that I look like everyone else in my school, but it does take up less time in the morning. I would prefer a dress code rather than a uniform. My school is becoming stricter and stricter with the uniform rules, so only certain types of jewelry and scarves can be worn.

  4. I LOVE MY UNIFORM!!! for freshman, sophomore, and junior year all underclassman have a blue polo and gray skirt (for girls) and khaki pants (for boys). They're cute and I like them. BUT THE SENIOR UNIFORM IS MY LIFE. Seniors get special white polos and blue and white plaid skirts (think britney spears in her "Baby One More Time" music vid) girls at my school LIVE for the senior skirts. (The boys get special white polos as well but they just don't care as much)

    Also, there are different unspoken uniforms for different people. For example, all linebackers on the Varsity Football Team wear a special vest on game days, and Varsity boys soccer players do the same with special blazers.

    The other people have already covered not having to spend 394908423 hours in the morning deciding what to wear and being able to accessorize with different shoes/headbands/jewelry so I'm not going to go into that.

    Vanessa Wilkins. THE Lovett School. Private.

  5. Personally, I think a uniform would be great. It would leave you with more money to buy non-uniform clothes for the weekends and summer :)

    Grace Bondy, Lakeside High, Public
