Wednesday, June 9, 2010

High school blues?

hey guys as you know i'm doing a story on pressure students face in high school to get into college. I wanna know like on a scale of 1-100 how stressed do you feel and if manifested physically to a point where you've just had to stop. like my friend took 4 APs played 2 sports and had a job and she ended up in the hospital for having an anxiety attack. It doesn't have to be something major like that say you decided to take the day off because you literally couldn't function any more. Thanks!


  1. haha, stress is the story of my life.

    ~I take 8 classes (7 straight throught the day, no lunch, and then p.e. online)
    ~I work at Chuck E. Cheese
    ~I am in charge of 3 clubs
    ~I am in newspaper
    ~I am in orchestra
    ~I play soccer outside of school
    ~I volunteer at a special needs once a month
    ~I am co caption for the Relay for Life team at the local middle school and at participate in high school
    ~I am in charge of overall powder puff at my school, on the player and coach committee, and play defensive line.
    ~I am the girls varsity lacrosse manager.
    ~still managed to hold a 4.1 gpa first semester and 3.9 second semester

    so I would say from 1-100 I am 101 stressed. It hasn't gotten to the point where I have had to be hospitalized, but I have had mental breakdowns in the middle of school before and I get sick a lot and actually lost my voice 2 in two months this last semester.

  2. I'm going into my senior year, and even though I am fully aware of the competitiveness of getting into college, my stress level is definitely below a 50, maybe a 35. I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but I have my reasons why I'm so chill about all this. I do a lot of things, I'm on the gymnastics team and the school band, I get good grades, I'm a Bronze, Silver and Gold Award Girl Scout, and I spend my summers at Journalism Camp. But I still go out and have fun because in my opinion, applying for colleges is all a big gamble and while you can increase you're chances by taking SAT classes and taking every AP offered, it all comes down to luck. The person who looks at my application might have been in Girl Scouts and is impressed with the work I have done with Scouting and that might boost me over some valedictorian who only studied. Even if you are the most qualified student in the world, you ultimately have as much a chance of getting into your dream school as everyone else. But Brittini is laughing at me for writing this much so I'll end by saying I've never physically had to stop going but I think that if someone does, they need to reevaluate their game plan, relax and have a good time, because you only live once!

  3. probably like 90.
    I did two APs, two honors classes, two sports, an internship, and two online classes. My online class during second semester required me to do a lot more work than I expected, so during second semester, I was trying to play catch up a lot and sleeping less because I had so much work. I had taken out a lot of sick days just to rest and feel less stressed.

    But senior year is going to be worse since I have to do even more to get noticed at my school and to be nearly remembered by colleges.

  4. I take 7 classes. 4 of them are APs and the rest are honors. I'm expected (by my parents and myself) to maintain an A average (preferably above 95) in all classes. In addition I do volunteer work, am involved in 2 clubs (Travel and STARS), and intern at my local paper. (Throw trying to have a social life among friends at home and an hour away.) I tend to handle the pressure well, but sometimes it's at 100. Ha Other times I'd give it a 50 to 75.

  5. I take 7 classes and im pretty involved around school but I have a lot of friends in the classes with me and we kind of help each other out, like we skip a day of school every once in a while to just cool off maybe go to the movies Its really important for me to have outlets like that. So i guess im a 79 out of 100

  6. well i was a freshman so.. no anxiety attacks for me yet.
