Thursday, June 10, 2010

Say Whaaaa

Okay so apparently something super exciting happened last night, but I missed out on it. As always. I think it was like... some kid escaped from the clutches of the dorm rooms and went streaking around the hallways.

At least that's how I heard it.

Nobody touched my dorm last night at all. Nobody banged on it, nobody yelled at us, which was really weird since everyone else got like, three door bangs or whatever. I didn't even know what happened until this morning.

Which was just as well, since my roommate pretty much went crazy on her sugar rush last night. The last I remember, she was singing today's schedule to me and flipping off of my bed, which I still don't know how she accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah last night was pretty strange ill talk about it in my blog but as far as the sugar craze last night all of the guys sang afternoon delight in the shower it was oddly beautiful.
